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Crystal in the News

Just 3,000 More Votes and I Win!

My campaign for School Board is on the move, and I need your help today! Based on the March Primary results, if I can reach 3,000 more voters, I can beat my opponent.

Jun 13, 2024

What can you do?

  • Help build my volunteer base. Starting this summer, I need at least 150 volunteers to help pass out flyers. If you can give me one hour in July, August, or September, you can reach 50 voters! Please contact my team if you can distribute flyers (no door knocking required).

  • Share your story! Why are you voting "Crystal Trull for School Board"? Are you a taxpayer, student, parent, or teacher that needs a voice in the school system? Share your personal story or motivation to vote for me. Send my team a 30-60 second selfie video! We'll post it on our social media.

  • Host a Meet and Greet at your home or office. You provide the the date, location, and some light refreshments. Invite your friends and neighbors to share their concerns and ask me questions. My team can assist with invitations and marketing the event.

As always, please share my website and social media with your networks.

Reach out with any questions and thank you for helping me win this race!

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